Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Waterfree technologies"

Being in California means you encounter "green" themes and motivations all the time. My office is no different. I am all for being green, but I do have to draw the line at the bathroom door.

The mens bathroom in my office is different in that the pipe from the flush to the urinal is absent. The urinals have "Falcon Waterfree Technologies" inscribed on them.

The way to use the urinals is as follows. One pees in them like in any other. The trick then is to stop yourself from pulling on the flush handle, because nothing will happen. That's it.

I would like to know what exactly this Waterfree technology is. The urinal looks, functions and smells like any other urinal without water, and that's a problem. I'd like the guilty satisfaction of flushing down my urine with a couple of gallons of water.

Have I encountered the most enterprising company in the world that actually sells (probably at a premium) ordinary urinals as something that has advanced technology?

On another note, the toilets are still "old fashioned" with a water flush. The day they go "Waterfree" will be my last day in this company.


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