Tuesday, January 30, 2007

True story

Someone dinged my car and I left it at the body shop to have it repaired yesterday. Since there was a very small puncture in the sheet metal, the body work was slightly more elaborate. Anyway, this involves repainting the area of the dent.

Today I received a phone call from the body shop.

"Mr. Kote?"


"We are done repairing the dent and are about to paint the car"

"That's good"

"Can you please tell us what color your car is?"

"Titanium Gray"

And this was when it hit me. Why does he need to ask me my car's color if all he has to do is slap on something that matches the rest of the car? I'd like to think that he actually wants to look in some database for the exact color, but somehow that's too reasonable an answer. I should have said Flaming Yellow.


Anonymous Leisa Dreps said...

LOL @ Flaming Yellow! Well, maybe the repair guy just wanted to be sure that he's doing his job right. You can't hold that against him, you know. It'll be a bigger problem if he just assumed what the color of your car was. I mean, he could have chosen Platinum Gray Metallic or something else. But Flaming Yellow would have been a nice change. Ha ha!

April 6, 2011 at 6:54 AM  

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